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WV Recovers is 'Directed by Peers and Supported by Allies'. As a participant your input in valued.  Please feel free to contact the Project Coordinator and request information or share an idea you would like to see.

Some projects currently planned include:

1.  WV Recovers Hosts a Virtual PEER Summit  in September in recognition of Recovery Month.  Recovery Education credits will be featured as the result of participating in this free event.

A Highlight of this event is the election of the Ted Johnson Paradigm Pioneer Award Nominated Award candidates are voted upon via Facebook poll. The winner is announced during the Annual Summit.  

2.  Zoom Meetings hosted by WV Recovers  can be created with volunteers supporting each other and reporting our chosen projects while receiving assistance through peer support.



Recovery education inspiring hope, health and community is the primary concern of WV Recovers. WV Recovers can assist with unique evidence based programs available to help build recovery capital for peers and their allies.

WVR will provide evidence based  peer support, PRSS Core Trainings, Ethics & skill development sessions in return for a donation for participation.  Satisfaction surveys will be requested. WVR collaborates with PEER Resource Network, a preferred provider recognized by WV Certification Board for Addiction and Prevention Professionals (WVCBAPP)    

WVR encourages volunteer & PRSS recovery education, building of recovery capital & resources.  Utilizing our local resources potentially allows for a quicker and less costly resource for you, your group or service.

Because this highlights regional resources...



WV Recovers Goals include:

1. Establishing volunteer positions throughout WV. The Volunteers will assist their Recovery Community Orgaization or Wellness Center with coordinating and facilitating access to resources and information regarding events sponsored by WV Recovers and its allies. Volunteer position will have autonomy and choice in the impact in their community.  WV Recovers will collaborate with RCO, Wellness Centers & PRSS trainers to help provide volunteer hours for individuals seeks certification collaborating with Strengthingrace trainings to provide volunteer resources to recovery centers in their region.

2. Developing Memorandums of Understanding with Recovery Community Organizations and Wellness & Recovery Centers, peers and allies including individuals, programs, and providers that further our objectives of inspiring hope, health and community

3. Collaboration with Marshall University Peer Training Hub promoting and providing TA. 

4.  Creating a network of Peer led programs promoting peer support and resources.




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