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Illness Management Recovery            is an Evidence Based Program offers guidance to on developing illness-management and recovery mental health programs that emphasize personal goal setting and actionable strategies for recovery. The toolkit includes 10 booklets on program development.


Program facilitator utilizes a unique Participants Choice format to share information


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) is an Evidence Based Program
WRAP® workshops provide a step-by-step process to identify and reduce unhealthy behaviors and patterns. Once those patterns are known, we create specifically designed plans to intervene as quickly as possible to avoid the pitfalls of the past, and further disruption to the present. WRAP® helps determine what is needed to nurture wellness on a daily basis, and learn the value of supports and how to use them most effectively.

WRAP® classes are facilitated by people who have lived and worked WRAP® in their own lives, have seen the benefits, and who have been specially trained to facilitate WRAP® classes.

Duration: WRAP® is offered in a number of formats ranging from intensive two-day classes to shorter, multi-week sessions. Two-day trainings for businesses and organizations are available at our location or yours.

Please contact WV Recovers for WV WRAP Connections to schedule a WRAP® training and inquire about workshop pricing or the WRAP® program.


Illness Management Recovery            is an Evidence Based Program offers guidance to on developing illness-management and recovery mental health programs that emphasize personal goal setting and actionable strategies for recovery. The toolkit includes 10 booklets on program development.


Program facilitator utilizes a unique Participants Choice format to share information


Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) is an Evidence Based Program training program and peer support group model developed by CIHS to encourage increased resiliency, wellness, and self-management of health and behavioral health among people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders.


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) is an Evidence Based Program
WRAP® workshops provide a step-by-step process to identify and reduce unhealthy behaviors and patterns. Once those patterns are known, we create specifically designed plans to intervene as quickly as possible to avoid the pitfalls of the past, and further disruption to the present. WRAP® helps determine what is needed to nurture wellness on a daily basis, and learn the value of supports and how to use them most effectively.

WRAP® classes are facilitated by people who have lived and worked WRAP® in their own lives, have seen the benefits, and who have been specially trained to facilitate WRAP® classes.

Duration: WRAP® is offered in a number of formats ranging from intensive two-day classes to shorter, multi-week sessions. Two-day trainings for businesses and organizations are available at our location or yours.

Please contact WV Recovers for WV WRAP Connections to schedule a WRAP® training and inquire about workshop pricing or the WRAP® program.


Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) is an Evidence Based Program training program and peer support group model developed by CIHS to encourage increased resiliency, wellness, and self-management of health and behavioral health among people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders.

How to Arrange for Trainings:

Trainings may be arranged through allies of WV Recovers on a regional basis or programs directly from WV Recovers

WV Recovers Planned Training/Events:

2/2-2/5/23- Boundaries & Ethics BBH Model 16 hour- zoom-noon-4:30 4 days x 4 four hr. training Donations will be requested

2/6-10/23- PRSS Core Training (McShinn Curriculum) - 30 hour First Steps Wellness & Recovery Center Huntington- 
2/13-14/23- WRAP Seminar I (Develop your own WRAP) BOMAR Club- Closed event 16 hrs. Recovery & Wellness

3/6-10 & 13-14/23 WVARRs Recovery Coach Academy & Boundaries and Ethics Charleston W

3/9/23- Trauma & The Criminal System- 1.5 hr. advocacy 4-5:30pm  Donations will be requested

4/24-28/23 WRAP Sem. II (Facilitator Training) Charleston WV tba

Other Training Options:

Marshall University Peer Hub:


Wellness Recovery Action Plan Seminar I (WRAP®) is an Evidence Based Program
WRAP® co-facilitated workshops provide a step-by-step process to identify and reduce unhealthy behaviors and patterns. Once those patterns are known, we create specifically designed plans to intervene as quickly as possible to avoid the pitfalls of the past, and further disruption to the present. WRAP® helps determine what is needed to nurture wellness on a daily basis, and learn the value of supports and how to use them most effectively.

WRAP® classes are facilitated by people who have lived and worked WRAP® in their own lives, have seen the benefits, and who have been specially trained to facilitate WRAP® classes.

Duration: WRAP® is offered in a number of formats ranging from intensive two-day classes to shorter, multi-week sessions. Two-day trainings for businesses and organizations are available at our location or yours.

WRAP® Seminar II trainings are co-facilitated by currently certified Advanced Level Facilitators (ALF)  This five day intensive training qualifies participants to be international co-facilitators of Seminar I groups.

Please contact WV Recovers or WV WRAP Connections fb page to schedule a WRAP® training and inquire about workshop pricing or the WRAP® program.


Illness Management Recovery            is an Evidence Based Program offers guidance to on developing illness-management and recovery mental health programs that emphasize personal goal setting and actionable strategies for recovery. The toolkit includes 10 booklets on program development.


Program facilitator utilizes a unique Participants Choice format to share information. Click WV Recovers for more!


Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) is an Evidence Based Program training program and peer support group model developed by CIHS to encourage increased resiliency, wellness, and self-management of health and behavioral health among people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Contact us at WV Recovers to arrange for a training.


Community Inclusion:

Peer Roles in Promoting Inclusion and Participation. For more click below:

WV Recovers

Recovery Domains: 



>Mentoring & Education

>Wellness & Recovery Education >Certificates of Attendance

>Skill Set Development

>Orientation Series for PRSS

(all Certificates are in collaboration with PEER Resource Network, a preferred provider for WVCBAPP

click: WV Recovers


Addictive Behavior Awareness:

click: WV Recovers


Basic Recovery Coach Training 30 hr. Coarse

click: WV Recovers






How to Arrange for Trainings: E mail  or call J.K. McAtee (304)460-2624

Trainings may be arranged through allies of WV Recovers on a regional basis or programs directly from WV Recovers

WV Recovers Planned Training/Events:



*2/3/2025 11 am- 1 pm Virtual Training via Zoom:  West Virginia Recovers presents "Waling Toward Wellness"   learning opportunities with the curriculum of the Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery's Taking Action for Whole Health and Wellbeing

Preregistration is requested .Marshall University Peer Hub: (Search dates for events) Virtual Training: Participants will receive 2 hr. PRSS certificate for attending and completing satisfaction surveys Training Cost: FREE

Facilitation  by J.K. McAtee, Executive Director. West Virginia Recovers/Stephen Dilly & Kara Prunty, Facilitators, / 304-460-2624

This Series provides 2 hr. PRSS attendance credits for certification purposes provided by PEER Resource Network a WVCBAPP provider
Join Zoom Meeting



* 2/6/2025 PRSS Ethics 11 am-3:00pm  Virtual  Training via zoom 4hr. Credit for PRSS Ethics BBH Model

Preregistration request @ Marshall University Peer Hub: 

(Search dates for events) Virtual Training: Participants will receive 4 hr. PRSS certificate for attending and completing satisfaction surveys 

Training Cost: FREE

This Training provides 4 hr. PRSS attendance credits for certification purposes by PEER Resource Network, a WVCBAPP provider

Facilitation  by J.K. McAtee, Executive Director. West Virginia Recovers & Stephen Dilly, Facilitator,/ / 304-460-2624

Join Zoom Meeting


* 2/8/2025 PRSS Ethics 11 am-3:00pm  Virtual  Training via zoom 4hr. Credit for PRSS Ethics BBH Model

Preregistration request @ Marshall University Peer Hub: 

(Search dates for events) Virtual Training: Participants will receive 4 hr. PRSS certificate for attending and completing satisfaction surveys 

Training Cost: FREE

Facilitation  by J.K. McAtee, Executive Director. West Virginia Recovers/ Stephen Dilly Co Facilitator,/ / 304-460-2624

Join Zoom Meeting


*2/10/2025 11am-1pm Virtual Training via Zoom:  West Virginia Recovers shares CAPRSS Preregistration is requested .Marshall University Peer Hub: (Search dates for events) Virtual Training: Participants will receive 2 hr. PRSS certificate for attending and completing satisfaction surveys Training Cost: FREE

Facilitation  by J.K. McAtee, Executive Director. West Virginia Recovers,/Stephen Dilly & Kara Prunty Facilitators, / 304-460-2624

This Series provides 2 hr. PRSS attendance credits for certification purposes provided by PEER Resource Network a WVCBAPP provider
Join Zoom Meeting


* 2/11/2025 PRSS Ethics 11 am-3:00pm  Virtual  Training via zoom 4hr. Credit for PRSS Ethics/RSTBBH Model

Preregistration request @ Marshall University Peer Hub: 

(Search dates for events) Virtual Training: Participants will receive 4 hr. PRSS certificate for attending and completing satisfaction surveys 

Training Cost: FREE

This Training provides 4 hr. PRSS attendance credits for certification purposes by PEER Resource Network, a WVCBAPP provider

Facilitation  by J.K. McAtee, Executive Director. West Virginia Recovers/ Stephen Dilly Co Facilitator,/ / 304-460-2624

Join Zoom Meeting


* 2/13/2025 PRSS Ethics 11 am-3:00pm  Virtual  Training via zoom 4hr. Credit for PRSS Ethics/Boundaries BBH Model

Preregistration request @ Marshall University Peer Hub: 

(Search dates for events) Virtual Training: Participants will receive 4 hr. PRSS certificate for attending and completing satisfaction surveys 

Training Cost: FREE

This Training provides 4 hr. PRSS attendance credits for certification purposes by PEER Resource Network, a WVCBAPP provider

Facilitation  by J.K. McAtee, Executive Director. West Virginia Recovers/ Stephen Dilly Co Facilitator,/ / 304-460-2624

Join Zoom Meeting



 â€‹Other PRSS Training Options: Marshall University Peer Hub: (Search dates for events)


Evidence-Based Practices West Virginia Recovers Certifications

Please contact WV Recovers or WV Wellness Connections fb page to schedule a training and inquire about workshops on Wellness.

Taking Action for Whole Health & Wellbeing

The Copeland Center’s Taking Action for Whole Health & Wellbeing course is a co-facilitated group process that supports individuals in creating a personalized system for recovering, sustaining, and/or improving their whole health outcomes and enhancing their lifestyle.

The curriculum is based on the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration’s (SAMHSA) Taking Action curriculum and other recovery publications developed with input from individuals with lived experience of recovery from mental health, addictions, and co-occurring challenges.   The topics, practices, and approaches in this program have demonstrated effectiveness through various research studies and with input from care providers.  The Copeland Center’s Taking Action for Whole Health & Wellbeing program combines key curriculum topics with evidence-based and experiential-based peer-to-peer strategies.

Taking Action for Whole Health and Wellbeing is a curriculum led by two peer co-facilitators trained in the Copeland Center’s process for evidence-based, and experiential-based peer strategies.  Co-facilitator’s training incorporates over two decades of peer-based experience and evidenced-based engagement strategies such as Self-Directed Care, Wellness Self-management, Motivation Theory, and Peer Support.


Essential Elements:

·      Recovery, wellness, and action orientation


·      Focus on hope, empowerment, self-determination, education, community inclusion and self-advocacy


·      Building a Strong Support System


·      Personal and Community Resources


·      Wellness tools, skills, and strategies for whole health and wellbeing


·      Physical Health and the effects of exercise, nutrition, light, sleep, and smoking


·      Finalizing Wellness Tools: Spirituality, Complementary, Controversial, Alternative and Additional tools


·      Developing Action Plans for Triggers, Early Warning Signs, Difficult Times


·      Healthcare and medications


·      Crisis Planning and Advanced Directives


·      Post Crisis and Post Relapse planning


·       Wellness Topic: Employment, Meaningful Activity, Motivation and Lifestyle


Taking Action for Whole Health & Wellbeing and this co-facilitation training is designed with the experience and collective knowledge of people who have been working together to achieve recovery and wellness for over two decades to share their personal expertise in dealing with and overcoming many health and overall life challenges.  We have developed this work with over two decades of input from co-facilitators working together from around the world.  The Copeland Center for Wellness & Recovery works to listen to and include the input of every member in these courses.  The experiential sharing that we do continues to grow and improve upon this wellness and recovery knowledge and co-facilitation approaches to this work.

Taking Action Co-Facilitation Training

Speaking Out For Yourself:
A Self-Help Guide

This 4-5 intensive days of workshops that will prepare participants to co-facilitate workshops based on SAMHSA's Taking Acton Program and acquire the skills, knowledge, and materials to co-facilitate groups in their community and organization People who have completed a Taking Action course are eligible. The Taking Action Co-Facilitator training provides an experiential learning environment based on mutuality, empowerment, connection, and self-determination. Participants in this course will be expected to participate in interactive learning activities and demonstrate their own experience with the Taking Action Program. 


This training is appropriate for anyone who would like to lead wellness and recovery groups, work with others to develop their steps to taking action for wellness and recovery and give presentations on mental health wellness and recovery-related issues to groups or organizations.  Participants are expected to have a solid working knowledge of the Taking Action Program and share their experiential knowledge of how taking action for wellness and recovery has worked.


Taking Action for Whole Health & Wellbeing and the co-facilitation training is designed with the experience and collective knowledge of people who have been working together to achieve recovery and wellness for over two decades. We work in these courses to share our personal expertise in dealing with and overcoming a diversity of health and overall life challenges.  We have developed this work through the input from co-facilitators working together from around the world for over two decades.


In addition to this course, we offer certified co-facilitation training to implement whole health and wellbeing programs tailored to your community.




Whole Health Action Management

(WHAM) is an Evidence Based Program training program and peer support group model developed by CIHS to encourage increased resiliency, wellness, and self-management of health and behavioral health among people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Contact us at WV Recovers to arrange for a training.







This training supplies information, ideas, and strategies that people from all over the country have found to be helpful in relieving and preventing troubling feelings and symptoms. The information in this training can be used safely along with your other health care treatment.

  • Participants will be introduced to working on developing your own action plans for prevention and recovery. This can help enhance your understanding of the entire process.

  • After you have finished developing your plan, you may want to review and revise it on a regular basis as you learn new things about yourself and ways you can help yourself to feel better.                                Charles G. Curie, M.A., A.C.S.W. Administrator Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration & Bernard S. Arons, M.D. Director Center for Mental Health Services SAMHSA I


WRAP Seminar I


Wellness Recovery Action Plan Seminar I (WRAP®) is an Evidence Based Program
WRAP® co-facilitated workshops provide a step-by-step process to identify and reduce unhealthy behaviors and patterns. Once those patterns are known, we create specifically designed plans to intervene as quickly as possible to avoid the pitfalls of the past, and further disruption to the present. WRAP® helps determine what is needed to nurture wellness on a daily basis, and learn the value of supports and how to use them most effectively.

WRAP® classes are facilitated by people who have lived and worked WRAP® in their own lives, have seen the benefits, and who have been specially trained to facilitate WRAP® classes.

Duration: WRAP® is offered in a number of formats ranging from intensive two-day classes to shorter, multi-week sessions. Two-day trainings for businesses and organizations are available at our location or yours.




Whole Health Action Management


Illness Management Recovery


Illness Management Recovery 

Is an Evidence Based Program offers guidance to on developing illness-management and recovery mental health programs that emphasize personal goal setting and actionable strategies for recovery. The toolkit includes 10 booklets on program development.


Program facilitator utilizes a unique Participants Choice format to share information. Click WV Recovers for more!

Peer Support Certification Services

   PRSS/Recovery Coach

NAADAC Approved McShin Foundation Recovery Coach & Leadership Training, in person only, 30 hr. Course click: WV Recovers

Ethics Training: 16 Hr. PRSS Certification  required to become certified as PRSS with WV Certification Board


click:  WV Recovers



Youth Peer Support


Peer Generation Youth Empowerment Training®

 Is a youth-driven and youth-developed curriculum that offers an experiential introduction to youth peer support. The training focuses on strategies for resiliency and offers pathways for individuals to get in touch with their unique and authentic selves. Participants will experience an environment that is culturally grounded and focuses on practical ways to be inclusive toward the diversity of all communities and experiences. Individuals will be better equipped to practice peer support in real-life situations that could be easily implemented. Personal sharing and mutual learning are at the core of this curriculum.

Learning Objectives:


  • Participants will gain an understanding of youth resiliency                                                        

  • Participants will become educated in personalized self-care strategies                        

  • Participants will increase cultural awareness

PRSS Peer Supervisor

PRSS Recertification Services


PRSS Supervision Training: 

West Virginia Recovers is Collaborating with Copeland Center and Wellness In Action to provide training for​

Peer Recovery Support Supervision certificates for future certification consideration.  Limited grant funds will be available for this training in 2025.  Otherwise individuals may apply for training for $299.


Click below for more information:

WV Recovers


Clinical Supervision Support:

WV Recovers will collaborate with Behavioral Health Agencies to provide weekly educational topics to support Clinical Supervision for PRSS staff members

Recovery Domains:





>Mentoring & Education


>Wellness & Recovery Education


>Certificates of Attendance


>Skill Set Development


>Orientation Series for PRSS (all Certificates are in collaboration with PEER Resource Network, a preferred provider for WVCBAPP.Org

click: WV Recovers

Mental Health Peer Support

Mental Health Peer Support Specialist:


West Virginia Recovers has been trained to deliver Mental Health Peer Support Certificates by the Copeland Center. A co-facilitated event, this speaks to the emerging needs as Peer Support Services emerge in Behavioral Health Settings in WV who are hiring MH Peer Support Specialist. Contact WV Recovers provided to programs and individuals who has a focus on this peer discipline. the training requires 72 hours of hybrid in person and online as well as supportive homework done online through Copeland Center.

Limited access to grant funds will be available.  Otherwise typically the individual cost will be $475 per person.  Click below for more information

WV Recovers


Community Inclusion:

Peer Roles in Promoting Inclusion and Participation. For more click below:

WV Recovers


Our goal is to promote and advance community inclusion and peer support services.

The Copeland Center for Wellness & Recovery and Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion have partnered together to develop and offer a training and technical assistance package to assist health care systems in the implementation of practices and tools to promote and advanced community participation for people in recovery through the intentional skills of Peer Supporters. We use a 3-step approach including a core 3-day Community Inclusion and Peer Support course. A key focal point of implementation is the support, development and training of the peer support workforce.  

With the increasing awareness of the positive relationship between self-directed community participation, recovery and quality of life, we have developed this peer support certification course as a vehicle to develop and define critical roles and responsibilities for the peer support workforce to support the recovery and increased community participation for individuals receiving services in the public mental health system.

PRSS Test Preparation Video Below:

       Phone #


P.O. Box 55

Dunbar, WV  25064

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